J5Create – tomorrow’s technology today…

14 Sep

… Literally!

A few weeks ago we blogged about one of the latest additions to our product range – J5Create.

J5cCeate produce a range of USB display adapters and cross-platform connectivity devices enabling users to share keyboard, mice and files across Mac/Win/Tablets and docking stations for laptops. It’s one of those useful things you imagine you should be able to do fairly simply anyway – transferring files from one OS or device to another – but in practice it isn’t that simple.

Well, J5Create have produced an effective and workable solution.

This week we’ll take a closer look at the J5Create Wormhole Station; a cross-platform keyboard, mouse and file-sharing station.

The Wormhole Station is a plug and play interactive terminal working between different operating systems.

It enables Mac and Windows to transfer files and share a keyboard and mouse inputs, including keyboard compatibility with the iPad. Also included are multiple card readers, providing convenient storage solutions.

In addition, two USB3.0 ports expand connectivity with the data transfer rates at 5Gb/s. Most importantly, the file transfer capability is done without any third party software or lengthy installation. Files can be drag/dropped and/or copied/pasted between computers (Mac to Mac, Windows to Mac, or Windows to Windows) at 480Mb/s.

In summary, the Wormhole Station features:

  • USB3.0 SuperSpeed Hub/Card reader
  • Mac and Windows cross-platform file and input sharing
  • KM Switching and keyboard for iPad

We find the Wormhole Station particularly useful when doing design work. We have the Adobe Creative Suite’s for design work set up on Mac systems, with our files stored on Windows machines. Using the Wormhole we can seamlessly work on Mac and Windows machines simultaneously, sharing files between each computer, across dual screens.

Extremely useful.

You can learn more about the J5Create range here.

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